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Best Blog Software - Get it Right!

The best blog software will allow you to harness the power of the internet and fling your thoughts, dreams, ideas and your other various contributions, literally across the world. You can even start an online business empire simply using the best blog software properly. What other generation has been able to do the same with such ease!? But before you take over the online world, you must choose the right blogging software for your purposes.
This article will cover:
  • Which type is the best blog software for you.
  • Self hosting vs. Free hosting
  • The benefits and drawbacks of both types of blogging software.
  • Examples of blogging software.
Which type of blog software is right for you?
The first thing you should ask yourself before deciding what is the best blog software is:
Are you gonna be a casual blogger that likes everything done for them?
Or are you a more serious blogger who would like to make money and have the ability to customize your blog?
There are benefits and drawbacks to both "free blogging services" and "blogging software" that you host on your own...
Examples of free hosting blogging services:
  • blogger
  • blogsmith
  • typepad
Benefits of free blogging services:
  • The service provides easy to use, point and click formats and templates that are "ready-made".
  • The blogging service has a large staff behind it, thus you can go to them for technical assistance
  • No cost to host your blog. (Hence free hosting)
  • Have a name brand behind them and thus give your blog posts a little clout in the search engines.
Examples of blog software that you host on your own:
  • (this is different than the other free blog service)
  • expression engine
  • textpattern
  • moveable type
Benefits of blog software that you host on your own:
  • Huge flexibility and customization options with plugins and templates. (As you'll see it can require a tiny bit more work, but it's still simple and the upside is huge.)
  • Ability to make your blog look like a static website.
  • Since you are hosting on your own server, you have full control of your blog. It won't get pulled down for various reasons. (i.e. Frowned upon marketing tactics.)
In my opinion, and in the opinion of most web experts,, (the one that you host on your own,) is easily the best blog software and is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of quality, ease of use and flexibility. Plus it allows you to not be tied to the blogging format. You can use WordPress to create impressive websites as well. Using templates, you can literally have a gorgeous blog/website up in an hour. Plus utilizing the potential of their free plugins, you can seriously turn your WordPress site into a internet powerhouse!

I hope you now realize the power of choosing the best blog software for your needs!

In order to get a clearer picture of this blog/website building formula, I urge you to grab a free copy of top internet guru, Chris Farrell's eBook "Create your first website by 3:45 this afternoon." It really is an incredible resource, and he has kindly allowed me to give it away for free! Thanks Chris!

To get the free, no strings attached eBook head over to
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